Thursday, December 17, 2009


Our final assignment topic is based on "Creativity in the context of Multimedia University". To do so, we need to complete some stages. After some brainstorming and discussion, we decide to work on the title: Cyberpreneurship.

Stage 1: Mind Mapping

The logical Mind Map about Creativity in MMU
Idea from everyone, drew by me... =D

The focus mind map on Cyberpreneurship.
Again, idea from everyone, drew by me... XD

Stage 2: The Essay

The Essay is being done by Joanne, the leader.

Creativity is everywhere in Multimedia University. It becomes part of our lifestyle here. We can see it in our food, transportations, buildings, clubs, culture, pass time activities and even courses. First of all, let’s talk about our food. Although all of the food here is halal, we have a lot of varieties of food. Malay food, such as nasi lemak, Chinese food such as mix rice, Indian dishes like roti canai, or even foreign food such as Thai food, Iranian food and western food are of the type of food you are able to find in our campus. However, these foods could be really pricey sometimes. Sometimes you pay the price for being creative too. Then we talk about transportation. We have a lot of transportation here. Some of the students here have their own vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Having own transport can be very convenient. However there are disadvantages as well. For example, you need to spend on petrol and parking lots are insufficient in Cyberia. Some bicycles are being stolen sometimes too. For those who don’t have their own transport, we have to walk, take a bus or cab. However, walking alone could be very tiring and dangerous, especially at night. Bus services are bad sometimes, and it is not time conscious. Taking a cab will be a big burden as it is super expensive. Talking about the buildings in Multimedia University, we can see that every single building in MMU have their own unique features. Triangle, cone, and even the colors show some differences among each other. Some raw materials which are used to build the buildings also make the whole building looks special. Another direction that shows the creativity of students in MMU is their clubs and society. Most of the clubs are handled by students with the advice of a lecturer. We have culture base’s clubs, such as Chinese Language Society, Korean Language Society, and Indian Culture Society. Then we have sport base’s clubs, for example, soccer club, basketball club and tennis club. This includes some non physical sport such as debate club, the Voices. Another type of it is the uniform groups such as Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (PBSM) and St. John ambulance. Apart from that, we also have martial art groups such as Wushu and Tae Kwon-do. SAPS points are usually given to students who take part in the activities organized by these clubs and MMU awards are given to those who excel in the activities. Apart from campus life, students in MMU have a lot of unique lifestyle too. Some of them like clubbing, shopping, gaming, face-booking, and some prefer to sleep, downloading, and even day-dreaming. No matter it’s day or night, someone is always wide awake and practicing their own preferred lifestyle. Although students in MMU are actually coming from people all around the world who are having different cultures, once they come to MMU, they’ll have some kind of same “MMU culture”. These include: For those who will fail, skipping class, doing last minutes studies, unpunctual, never pay attention in class and sending texts, sleeping in class and chat among each other. For those who are not, they usually success in their life in MMU. As MMU is located in Cyberjaya, most of the students are coming from other places around Malaysia and the world. Thus homesick is included as part of the culture in MMU, where sometimes, someone will be extremely sick and miserable due to homesick. Talking about courses, we are actually students who are taking Media Innovation and Management (MIM). In this course, the subjects that we are taking will be divided in to 4 groups, which are major subjects, core subjects, basic subjects and university subjects. For major subjects, we have human resource management, global management, computer network, training and development, quantity analysis, cross cultural management, TQM for managers, sales management and corporate business ethics. As for core subjects, we have computer graphics, media culture, organizational behavior, computer modeling, interactive multimedia, media production, strategic management and video post production. Economics, marketing, management, critical thinking, creative studies, accounting and E-commerce are parts of the basic subjects while foreign language, Malaysian studies, managerial communication, moral studies, co-curriculum and cyberpreneurship are the university subjects. Our center topic this time will be Cyberpreneurship. This is the subject we would have in MMU where it’s different to other subjects. Instead of sitting in class and listen, cyber P let you learn lessons by doing things yourselves. In this particular subject, students show their criteria of creativity in all stages of learning process. In terms of education, students learned marketing skills, such as competitions among each other, how to attract potential customers, etc. Here students usually come out with ideas such as discounts, lucky draws, flyers, or buy 1 free 1 set. Students also learned about management skills, such as the most important 4Ps, which stands place, people, products and promotions. By learning all these and do it on their own, students actually applied self improvement in their own life. Where planning skills and financing skills learned such as accounting and budgeting actually drives students to their success. In this subject, students are able to meet new people too. As an instance, they have to see the lecturer, then the officers from STAD to get their approval to open their booth in campus compound. Once they get the approval, they then have to see the suppliers, where they could get supplies of ingredients, dealers, and some middleman. Once everything is set, students have to approach potential customers. Here, students have to think of various approaches to sell their products and services to the customers. After running the business, the students have to come out with an income statement which indicates the income or loss they make. This affects the student’s self esteem and feeling ass well. In conclusion, cyber P gives students a chance to learn and to run businesses on their own. They can produce goods and services such as donuts, cookies, concerts, trips, etc. besides earning money, students can develop self creativity and earn precious experiences too.

Stage 3: Design Concept

"What you'd learned from the book, show it on your booth."

Stage 4: Associated Mind Map

Stage 5: Final Presentation

From our concept, we want to stress that practical skill is very important to survive in workspace. The booth that we mean is not the stall that we open during CyberP, but it means our life or our career. In University, what we had learned are mostly theory but if we only equipped with knowledge, we hardly survive in the society. The university students need an opportunity to practice their knowledge. Always remember this: you read book, you gain knowledge; you practice knowledge, you learn skill.

So, CyberP undoubtedly offer us a chance to practice our business skills and to see if we are ready to face the real world. For this subject, we do not stay at class like most of the lecture. We need to come out with our business plan and then run our own business. Beside that, we also being introduce to a boardgames call Next Level Board game which it simulated what happen in the real world and we have to respond to it. Thats the reason why CyberP is so different compare to other subject.


Saturday, November 28, 2009



Although I can't understand what they are saying, but this is great! =D

A Quick Review


Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. An alternative conception of creativeness is that it is simply the act of making something new.

It can be understood in many ways. creative people also have an ability to invent something which did not exist before. For example, Bill Gates who invented Microsoft makes him the first richest man in the world. Creative does not only developing something new to the world, it’s more about developing something new to ourselves.

Lesson 2:

Novelty is the quality of being new. Create or modify using your own idea and creativity such as a souvenir, gift and many more. For example, a new style of art coming into being such as abstract art or impressionism.

Creativity is using imagination rather than imitating something else. Generation of ideas, images and solutions. This is very important for individual to develop their creative skills so they can be able to think creatively in solving problem, studying and many more situation can be applied.

Innovation is the act of starting something for the first time and introducing something new which means doing something in a new way. A distinction is typically made between Invention, an idea made manifest, and innovation, ideas applied successfully.

Invention is discovery or creation of a new things, device, or process. Some inventions are based on existing models or ideas.

Lesson 3:

Mind Mapping is an idea generation and brainstorming. It enhances both side human brain and widely used in taking notes, research, generate new idea. Create interest to the individual and also to the viewer. This is an effective way to generate idea and remember all the points.

There are two types of mind mapping which are:

Logical Mind Mapping - Draw a mind map only based on one topic. Then, find several subtopic related topic. Use only one or two words. Drawing is necessary to help u remember and make it interesting.

Associated Mind Mapping - It similar to logical mind mapping. The difference, associated mind mapping is using more then one mind mapping such elaborates subtopic.

Lesson 4:

Juxtaposition is an act of comparing two random things, especially in a way that suggests connection between them and turns it into one meaningful form. For example, turns word -> image.

Stereotype is someone’s perception of first impressions: The behaviors that presumed by a group of people judging with the eyes ones outer appearance to be associated with another specific group.


  1. An analogy is a comparison of certain similarities between things which are otherwise unlike.
  2. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump.
  3. similarity or comparability: I see no analogy between your problem and mine.
  4. Biology. an analogous relationship.
  5. Logic. a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similarity between the things in other respects.
  6. Linguistics.
  7. the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to existing patterns in the language, as when shown was re-formed as shoes, when -size is added to nouns like winter to form verbs, or when a child says foots for feet.
  8. a form resulting from such a process.
  1. In education, teachers commonly use analogies to introduce something new to students. They compare the new material to something the students already know and understand.
  1. A street light is like a star. Both provide light at night, both are in predictable locations, both are overhead, and both serve no function in the daytime.

  1. A metaphor is the expression of an understanding of one concept in terms of another concept, where there is some similarity or correlation between the two
  2. A metaphor is the understanding itself of one concept in terms of another
  3. A figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our God.”
  4. Something used, or regarded as being used, to represent something else; emblem; symbol.
The following sentences illustrate how the metaphorical understanding of anger-as-fire is expressed:
  1. Your insincere apology just added fuel to the fire.
  2. After the argument, Dave was smoldering for days
  3. That kindled my ire.
  4. Boy, am I burned up!

  1. a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared, as in “she is like a rose.”
  2. an instance of such a figure of speech or a use of words exemplifying it.
  3. A simile is a comparison between two things.
  4. It is signaled overtly; in English, a simile is expressed by the words like or as.
  1. He had a posture like a question mark.
Lesson 5:

Random Association is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula. The whole premise of Random Association is to use a Random Word to provoke a reaction from the brain.


Lesson 5: Random Words/ Image Association

How to start

Like what I said, creativity can be learn. But how?

To make your life easier, we have one skill call random words and image association. It is an idea generation method which allows students to systematically generate new ideas through a fixed formula.

How to Use it

1) Find a random word:

Find a random word that will be used as a stimulus for new ideas. You can do this in a number of ways, including:

-Look around you. What can you see? Can you see any words? What about things? What else is happening?
-Open a book at a random page. Run your finger around the page and stop at a random point. Look for a suitable word near your finger.
-Ask the people you are with to give you a random word.
-Select a word from a prepared list of evocative words (fire, child, brick, sausage, etc.)

Good random words are
(a) evocative and
(b) nothing to do with the problem being considered.

Ambiguity also helps. Nouns are usually best, but verbs and adjectives can also be used effectively.

2) Find associations

Think about other things about which the word reminds you. Follow associations to see where they go. Think openly: associations can be vague and tenuous (this is creativity, not an exam!).

When working with a group of people, you can write these down on a flip chart as people call them out. It can be useful (but not necessary) to leave a space after each associate for use in stage 3.

3) Create New Ideas

Now create new ideas by linking any of the associations with your problem. Again, the linkage can be as vague as you like: what you want is ideas!

Write the ideas either next to their associations from step 2 or on a separate page. If other people give ideas that trigger further ideas from you, then you can go off down that route to see where it goes. As a variant, you can do stages 2 and 3 together, finding an association and an immediate idea from this.

I am seeking a way to reduce discomfort for passengers on trains.
With a group of passengers, we look out of the window and see a school.
Associations from school are learning, bullying, exams, playtime.
Ideas include teaching the rail company how uncomfortable the seats are, taking a firm stance in this, giving marks for different trains and seats and having games on trains so passengers do not notice the uncomfortable seats.

How it Works?

Random Words works in particular by making you go elsewhere for ideas, and hence pushes you out of your current thinking rut. It uses the principle of forced association to make you think in new ways and create very different ideas.

Now, for a little exercise, we gonna create something scary using this image: a kitten.

Words: Kitten

- Claws - Sound - Die - Fur - Always trap on trees - Cat palms - Eyes - Smelly

The Ideas:

Hand with scratches

"The research focuses on how the brain creates new ideas and how this is related to associations and memory.As the participant works to combine the two disparate concepts to create a novel idea, brain-imaging techniques are used to observe how and in what order different parts of the brain respond to these word pairs."

By research conducted at the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Pennsylvania."


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lesson 4.2: Juxtaposition continues

Images to words

See how cacat I am.. =X

Theme: Candle
Topic: Life

Days by days, we creeps in this petty pace
falling slowly, in the hands of time
But look! All of our yesterdays have lighted the darkness

Life's but a walking shadow,
that struts and frets his hour upon the stage
But with the love that we can go,
we lighted up the meaning of life.

Theme: Time
Topic: Happiness

Its sound like two planets in different orbits
both estranged.
But you never realized
the happiness is when my heart is watching you
at all the time.

Theme: Coffee
Topic: Love

It is not the coffee mate that makes the coffee tastes nice
But it is you, who sit opposite me that turns the coffee to heaven like.

Lesson 4.1: Juxtaposition

Today lesson will be creating words from images. Lets say we are given a picture of lion and goat, we need to create another animal using the characteristic of these two animals. Quite interesting, but somehow I am stuck. ><

But just like what Alys said in her blog: nothing is impossible to be done. As long as we pin our brain.... Squeeze the brain juice... there's some pop up...

Back to our lecture, the lecturer asked us to combine two creature that is impossible to be. And lets see what I created:
1. Lion + Cow
2. Fish + Chicken

Well, it look cacat. =3=

Then, the lecturer ask us to create a poem using a picture of chili.

Great! A disaster for me! ><

Here is the "poem" that I created:

Should I compare thee to the red hot chili?
Thou art more temperate and hotter.
Every time we quarrel, I feel like I am eating nasi goreng cili api.
But thee should know
Sometime too hot the chili tastes
It is never going to be nice.
That's why I prefer nasi goreng biasa without chili.
Love is like chili.
Some can stand with it, some can't stand with it.
If you can't survive with this, I advise you to eat cherry.

Speechless..... =X

I bet if xin lin saw this, I gonna being tear by her. =D She is chili, a big and spicy one. =.="

The lecture continue with picture of mortal and pestle. And guess what we gonna describe now? Women! Great, another disaster!

Women are stubborn, cause their otak keras macam batu lesung.
But they are tough, even being hit by pestle continuously, they didn't break.

Women are noisy, cause they make lot of noises macam batu lesung.
But they are hardworking, every time you heard the sound from mortal and pestle, you know someone is working.

Women are violence, cause even we put cili padi into mortal and pestle, cili juga akan jadi samba.
But they are useful, without them, we wont even have samba to eat.

Another cacat poem from me. =D
It proved one thing, my forefather wont be William Shakespeare. =D

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lesson 4: Juxtaposition

What is juxtaposition

Juxtaposition means turn something familiar to something less familiar or vice versa.

It is the idea of putting two contrasting ideas side by side. For example, Michael Moore uses juxtaposition in Fahrenheit 911, when he plays the song "What a Wonder full World" while playing scenes of war and violence.


Analogy divided into two: metaphor and similes.

In metaphor, two different things are linked by similar things. On the other hand, similes use words such as "like".

There are lots of stuff surrounding us which use the concept of analogy. Lets have a look on some real life examples:

Kamu sudah potong? Saya belum. =X

Sometimes the juxtaposition can be done by mistake where there are two different pictures or frames together or side by side but they still convey a message intentionally or unintentionally. Most often though the placement of frames articles and pictures has a certain order or preference to associate or categorize the item. Lets the pictures do the talking:

Hey, we already have the culprit here!



Lesson 3: Mind Map

Who say studying must be boring?

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea.

I believe people are successful when they are being the best that they can be. An athlete is said to be successful when they win the most prestigious awards. A successful entrepreneur is one who brought positive changes to the society, usually with a business which produces quality products and services.

So, how about a student? If we are staying in school, we seek to score good marks during exam. Therefore, we need to find the way we learn best. To be able to understand and memorize better, we will need to engage all your senses.

Hence, a mind map will be a great alternative. Instead of reading only words, try to summarize what we read into charts or graphics. Repeat drawing the same picture a few times and definitely, we should remember it for quite some time. Remember, graphics do help us to understand and remember better.

The logical mind map that I did during class. It is about 7 tips to fight against bookworms.

I always find it helpful to summarize the whole chapter in a single page of A4 paper. This has many uses, first it makes you feel secure knowing that chapter isn't that much after all. Second, you do not have time to read the whole chapter when exam is 24 hours away.

Make it a point to summarize everything in the form of pictures, you will remember much better. Summarizing the chapter in a limited space requires some skill. To develop this skill, I recommend you practice often.

Think out of box, you may gain something.

Understand, do not memorize.

Let me get this straight, I am really against memorizing just for exams, or even worst memorizing the whole speech for presentation. Instead of memorizing, find out why is it so. Understand why is the real learning process, and it is more fun than memorizing.

In mind mapping, you have to think out of box to gain more and more ideas. If you fail to do so, you are being trapped in your mindset.

"Mind maps provide an effective study technique when applied to written material. However before mind maps are generally adopted as a study technique, consideration has to be given towards ways of improving motivation amongst users."

Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy (2002)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lesson 2.2: Innovation & Invention

"Innovation . . . is generally understood as the successful introduction of a new thing or method . . . Innovation is the embodiment, combination, or synthesis of knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes, or services.
— Luecke and Katz (2003)

Invention is an evolutionary act which leads to an outcome that is outside of the norm; norm meaning what is known, thus yielding, creation.
— Jonathan O'Neill Barnes- Apr. 19, 2009.

Innovation is not invention. But for me, they are two different things in similar field. Inventors are those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas. On the other hand, innovators add in idea in existing things, making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context.

Since most of us are business students, then allowed me to share some of my opinions on entrepreneurship education which required creativity, innovation and invention. Broadly defined, entrepreneurship is actually the function of interaction occurring between the human nature and the environment. The most renowned concept suggested which clearly distinguishes the role of entrepreneurs in a society is as given below:

no entrepreneur, no innovation, no dynamics, no evolution

I suddenly realized that in this fast paced, globalized world, there will be a grater need for our children and us to have entrepreneurial skills and abilities to enable them to deal with life's current challenges and an uncertain future.

Bill Gates: Creator of Microsoft

Mark Zuckerberg: Creator of Facebook

Back to our topic, I always think that invention is good but what about innovation?
According to wikipedia, the goal of innovation are:
  1. Improved quality
  2. Creation of new markets
  3. Extension of the product range
  4. Reduced labour costs
  5. Improved production processes
  6. Reduced materials
  7. Reduced environmental damage
  8. Replacement of products/services
  9. Reduced energy consumption
  10. Conformance to regulations
Since we just need to add one product's value, then it considered our product. But what about others copyright? What about their trademarks?

I not sure if it is moral to do so, but personally I don't like it. Yes, I do agree that innovation is good. But innovation using others ideas, I doubt it. This does not means that I disagree all, using others ideas is OK for me if it does not treat others in term of financial and non-financial benefits.

I will defend my idea using the some real life examples:

The video basically shows the Japanese reporter compared their snacks with Korean's snacks. He used their nation products and randomly ask a Korean citizens to taste it. Surprisingly, all the Korean thought that was their Korean's snacks! Then the reporter went to the Korean factory which produced the snacks to have a short interview on this phenomena, but guess what the producer say? The Korean producer claimed that the two products are not same because their products have one more line at their packaging compare to Japanese's product!

Great! With one extra line in packaging, you WIN everything. There is no way for the Japanese to sue you! What a wonderful world it is?!

Ha~ That's why I not really like Korean. =X

Finally, to conclude this part, I highly recommend you guys to develop more in entrepreneurship skills. Think creatively, and perhaps someday you can be the next innovator or inventor.

Prepare for ascension.


Lesson 2.1: Novelty & Creativity

Novelty & Creativity

Novelty means new, or something unusual. Creativity is thinking of something different although seeing the same thing as everybody. These two things can be same but also can be different. According to Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi's theory, creativity can be divided into big "C" and small "c". The big "C" have effect on others and is being accepted by the masses. Meanwhile, the small "c" serves personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

Force to Be Forced:

Just like what I wrote on the previous post, creativity is achievable. In fact, I always think creativity as an attitude. The world is such a beautiful place because we are blessed with different types of people, each using their unique gifts to make the world a better place. Or would you prefer a world where everyone is the same? How boring.

However, our education system does not work so. In school, there is a lot of focus on proficiency of language and mathematical abilities. The focus on academic education is to produce students who are able to read, write and calculate.

I agree on the importance of these subject. But there should be more! Language and mathematical abilities won't changed you to be a creative person unless you learn to create your own language or you use a creative way to cheat in exam.

Above are some different categories of intelligences under Gardner's theory. Besides verbal-linguistic, we have all others of intelligences. But, too sad our education system is only being set to teach us to be person who has ability to read and write. You will seldom have the chance to develop your creativity!

Art of Education

My friend's brother, who was eight returned home one day with an incomplete drawing of a flower in his school bag. His class was asked to draw a gigantic lower on their drawing blocks and to paint it accordingly.

That evening, I told him to finish up what he has started. He said that he was so tired of drawing flowers and butterflies in arts class that he now hates arts class itself! I asked him why, guess what he answered? He replied by stating that "boys like us feel irritated drawing flowers, butterflies or fruits in a basket, repeatedly. We prefer to draw robots, comic superheroes, ninjas and we're even extremely creative at creating our own cartoon plots on paper. So, why flowers and butterflies?"

I bet you've guessed the answer, it's the system. But do teachers have a choice? My friend's brother never score excellent in his art class, but when he back home, he's an excellent artist. He draws creatively, using his imagination, transforming it into visual arts pasted proudly on the walls in his room. Yet, he always scores a C in his art exams? Why?

His "flowers & butterflies" painting that he hate most

Your Choice Your Creativity

Doesn't this same scenario happen in your campus? When was it your last time that a lecturer asked you to choose your own assignments based on your capabilities and interests? Or ,when was the last time that you know you can do better within your own imagination and creativity, and not within your lecturer's imagination or creativity? One of the greatest minds, Thomas Edison was labeled as "having learning difficulties" by his teacher. Thank god he did not give up in life or we would have lost a great inventor.

Creativity needs imagination, and you will need motivation to do so. Some of us study because of parents, or they do not want to work early after graduated from High School. But there is also some of us who study because of their interests and they want to learn.

Of cause, I not saying that not obeying the lecturer's rules is good. But, only break the rules after you know all the rules.

Only by doing so, you can turn your novelty into creativity , and swap yourself from small "c" to big "c".

Creativity isn't magic, it's achievable.
Leland.N 1990

For the next post, I will talk about my opinion on the innovation and invention. Stay tuned...



Friday, October 30, 2009

Lesson 1: Creativity

What Creativity is:

is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts.

For me, creativity means do the things right using a different way. Lets say: come out with a new idea, see things from several different views, combine two ideas that seem like not relate with each ideas and etc.

Here are some pictures that i think is creative yet funny:

We can hardly imagine that alien and predators sit down and play chess together. But the author did!

Now we know what will happen when Pepsi meet Coke.

Work the Idea:

We have to understand that creativity involves two processes: thinking, then producing. If we have ideas, but we do not act on them, we are imaginative but not creative. Remember that innovation is the production or implementation of an idea. If we does not act on the idea, it is still an idea.

Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being... creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousness-ecstasy.
Rollo May, The Courage to Create

Creativity can be learned:

Creativity is not natural. It can be learned actually. In fact, George Land had once said: people are naturally creative, but often as we grow up we learn to be uncreative.

In school, we are taught to memorize the "right" answers. But what are really the "right" answers? Is it what is written in the text book? Is the “right” answer the truth? Or is the “right answer” the answer written in the answer script for teachers?

The problem I like to point out here is, in school we are told to memorize “facts” and “right” answers. However, there is little emphasis on finding the “right” answer or questioning the source of the answer. We are programmed to accept a “right” answer from someone with status and authority, such as our teacher.

When our mindset is being programmed to memorize the "right" answers, are we going to waste our brain cells to think for another "right" answer?

Creativity is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed. It requires practice to develop the right muscles and a supportive environment in which to flourish. The more you think, the more you can see things differently.

I once used to be a student who memorized answers. I do not even like to think as thinking is tiring. However, when i first step in the society, I realized that thinking is so important because there is no "right" answer in business field. The business environment forced me to start thinking. I am not saying that I am a creative guy now, but at least I see things different from others. Lets say, some people see a chair as a chair but I see it as a tool to earn money or even as a weapon for self protection!

So, creativity can be learned, as long as you are willing to think.

Right: Shit, I cant smell a single thing!
Left: People is literature division, not smell shoes division la.
PS: Literature sound like smell shoes in mandarin.

Right Brain, Left Brain

Our left brain thinks logically, our right brain thinks creatively. Most individuals have a distinct preference for one of these styles of thinking. Some, however, are more whole-brained and equally adept at both modes. In general, schools tend to favor left-brain modes of thinking, while downplaying the right-brain ones.

It is important for us to build a whole-brained mode rather then only focus on one. Remember that creativity is about doing the right things in a different way. To do the things right, you still have to think logically. I can use a creative way to rob a bank, but robing a bank can never be good.

Lets have some real life examples:

Now we can eat kids for free!

See what i mean? So start from today, practice your brain to be equal adept in both thinking modes. If you are left brain-minded, grab some books to read; if you are right brain-minded, join a society or get involve in co curriculum.


1st class

Ha, actually it is my 1st class but others' second class. =X

I had a seminar in PWTC last Wednesday for an exhibition call NICE ( National Innovation Conference & Exhibition) under MMU Cnergy. When i reached Cyberjaya, Joanne told me tat the class had finished so I missed the 1st class. 3 hours gone... =.="

Back to the topic, when i 1st stepped in the class, my idea is: "hey, this lecturer looks cute." And later, i found out that his name is called Mr Halim. =X

There are two lecturer for this subject. Another MLC lecturer is also a funny guy called Mr Radzi. He claimed that he is Michael Schumacher's friend, his Proton Saga can run up to 230km/hour, he is good in maths because he like girls and etc...

One cute, one funny, what a fantastic combination! XD I enjoyed the class really.

Then before leaving, Mr Radzi asked us to do one acticity. He required us to find a partner and interview him/her. After that, draw your friend's image or something that represent your partner.

My partner is Choi. After interview each other, he drew me as storm + sunny cause I am quite emotional and unpredictable.

Choi's works. I accidentally sign my signature beside it. ><

Althought not the best, but it still look nice. But still, i prefer computer works. So i redo one using the Illustrator. Well, at least it looks 90% alike la. =X

I think i will use both of these logo for the blogs. Ha~ It show that i respect others' work. =X

Looking forward for next class, will update lesson 1 content soon. =D

Hello World!

English: Hello!

Ha~ My 1st post. =D

Hi, everyone. My name is Wei Xiang (1071119787), you all can call me whatever you like as long as I answer you.

First of all, I would like to apologize for my broken English. =X Please bear with it because you going to see it for another 8 weeks; and dun be surprised if you see any Bahasa Rojak here, as I am from Malaysia, and I am praciticing Budaya 1 Malaysia. =X

I still have no idea about what a Creative Studies is. So for now, nothing much to say. I will update all the works here. Please dun be hesitate to leave your comment here. Tats all, see ya~