Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lesson 4.1: Juxtaposition

Today lesson will be creating words from images. Lets say we are given a picture of lion and goat, we need to create another animal using the characteristic of these two animals. Quite interesting, but somehow I am stuck. ><

But just like what Alys said in her blog: nothing is impossible to be done. As long as we pin our brain.... Squeeze the brain juice... there's some pop up...

Back to our lecture, the lecturer asked us to combine two creature that is impossible to be. And lets see what I created:
1. Lion + Cow
2. Fish + Chicken

Well, it look cacat. =3=

Then, the lecturer ask us to create a poem using a picture of chili.

Great! A disaster for me! ><

Here is the "poem" that I created:

Should I compare thee to the red hot chili?
Thou art more temperate and hotter.
Every time we quarrel, I feel like I am eating nasi goreng cili api.
But thee should know
Sometime too hot the chili tastes
It is never going to be nice.
That's why I prefer nasi goreng biasa without chili.
Love is like chili.
Some can stand with it, some can't stand with it.
If you can't survive with this, I advise you to eat cherry.

Speechless..... =X

I bet if xin lin saw this, I gonna being tear by her. =D She is chili, a big and spicy one. =.="

The lecture continue with picture of mortal and pestle. And guess what we gonna describe now? Women! Great, another disaster!

Women are stubborn, cause their otak keras macam batu lesung.
But they are tough, even being hit by pestle continuously, they didn't break.

Women are noisy, cause they make lot of noises macam batu lesung.
But they are hardworking, every time you heard the sound from mortal and pestle, you know someone is working.

Women are violence, cause even we put cili padi into mortal and pestle, cili juga akan jadi samba.
But they are useful, without them, we wont even have samba to eat.

Another cacat poem from me. =D
It proved one thing, my forefather wont be William Shakespeare. =D

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