Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lesson 2.1: Novelty & Creativity

Novelty & Creativity

Novelty means new, or something unusual. Creativity is thinking of something different although seeing the same thing as everybody. These two things can be same but also can be different. According to Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi's theory, creativity can be divided into big "C" and small "c". The big "C" have effect on others and is being accepted by the masses. Meanwhile, the small "c" serves personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

Force to Be Forced:

Just like what I wrote on the previous post, creativity is achievable. In fact, I always think creativity as an attitude. The world is such a beautiful place because we are blessed with different types of people, each using their unique gifts to make the world a better place. Or would you prefer a world where everyone is the same? How boring.

However, our education system does not work so. In school, there is a lot of focus on proficiency of language and mathematical abilities. The focus on academic education is to produce students who are able to read, write and calculate.

I agree on the importance of these subject. But there should be more! Language and mathematical abilities won't changed you to be a creative person unless you learn to create your own language or you use a creative way to cheat in exam.

Above are some different categories of intelligences under Gardner's theory. Besides verbal-linguistic, we have all others of intelligences. But, too sad our education system is only being set to teach us to be person who has ability to read and write. You will seldom have the chance to develop your creativity!

Art of Education

My friend's brother, who was eight returned home one day with an incomplete drawing of a flower in his school bag. His class was asked to draw a gigantic lower on their drawing blocks and to paint it accordingly.

That evening, I told him to finish up what he has started. He said that he was so tired of drawing flowers and butterflies in arts class that he now hates arts class itself! I asked him why, guess what he answered? He replied by stating that "boys like us feel irritated drawing flowers, butterflies or fruits in a basket, repeatedly. We prefer to draw robots, comic superheroes, ninjas and we're even extremely creative at creating our own cartoon plots on paper. So, why flowers and butterflies?"

I bet you've guessed the answer, it's the system. But do teachers have a choice? My friend's brother never score excellent in his art class, but when he back home, he's an excellent artist. He draws creatively, using his imagination, transforming it into visual arts pasted proudly on the walls in his room. Yet, he always scores a C in his art exams? Why?

His "flowers & butterflies" painting that he hate most

Your Choice Your Creativity

Doesn't this same scenario happen in your campus? When was it your last time that a lecturer asked you to choose your own assignments based on your capabilities and interests? Or ,when was the last time that you know you can do better within your own imagination and creativity, and not within your lecturer's imagination or creativity? One of the greatest minds, Thomas Edison was labeled as "having learning difficulties" by his teacher. Thank god he did not give up in life or we would have lost a great inventor.

Creativity needs imagination, and you will need motivation to do so. Some of us study because of parents, or they do not want to work early after graduated from High School. But there is also some of us who study because of their interests and they want to learn.

Of cause, I not saying that not obeying the lecturer's rules is good. But, only break the rules after you know all the rules.

Only by doing so, you can turn your novelty into creativity , and swap yourself from small "c" to big "c".

Creativity isn't magic, it's achievable.
Leland.N 1990

For the next post, I will talk about my opinion on the innovation and invention. Stay tuned...



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